Follow the instructions here before installing any updated files.
22 mars 2025
Various Updates 03.25
Because updates to get mods in-line with Businesses & Hobbiels are going to be a little slow, this post will be updated as I upload items. Due to this, a mod may be updated after the date associated with this post.
16 déc. 2024
Content Update 24.12
This update includes some small fixes and support for upcoming new content. See changelog below for a list of files that were updated.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The file name for my Custom Prepped Ingredients has changed - you MUST delete the old version before installing the new one!
3 nov. 2024
Patch Update 1.110.265
The 'No Shared Inventory' mod has been updated to be compatible with the patch and I've also updated all my harvestables, crafting recipes, and food recipes to be compatible with the new Ghost Powers in the Life & Death pack.
I've also included fixes for a bunch of reported issues, see the tabs above for details.
Just a heads up - the information on BrazenLotus.com and Curseforge may not be updated with the most current info. I know I've been working on it for a while but I didn't realize there were so many things I needed to fix/update on the backend so it's taking longer than expected. If you need quick info on how some of my mods work, you can check out the 'Reference Info' cheats on the Brazen Homestead Craftbooks and/or any planter.
🚨 Please read and follow my Installation & Updates post to install these updated files.
🚨 If your save won't load after installing, see the Save or Lot Won't Load for how to fix it.
🚨 If you are triggering an LE or have some other issue after installing see the Troubleshooting Issues post.
19 sept. 2024
Content Update 24.09
There were no issues with my mods after yesterday's patch. This is a content update that fixes several reported issues and includes a few small improvements.
🚨 Please read and follow my Installation & Updates post to install these updated files.
🚨 If your save won't load after installing, see the Save or Lot Won't Load instructions on how to fix it.
🚨 If you are triggering an LE or have some other issue after installing see the Troubleshooting Issues post.
14 août 2024
Update 8.17.24
This update includes some fixes and support for new content.
The most noteworthy updates are to some of my food recipes. I'm not sure how it happened but some of my recipes weren't fully updated for the Home Chef update so they weren't showing up for people who didn't have specific packs installed. I think I got them all fixed so if you were having this issue you should be able to access these recipes again.
I also fixed the bug where plants grafted to other plants would show up in the tooltip as 'Grapes'.
28 juil. 2024
Update 7.28.24
The patch didn't effect my mods but over the last couple of months I've made a lot of changes to how things work and there are quite a few files you'll need to delete before installing the new versions. This is a large update and there are quite a few bug fixes included as well :)
DO NOT try to overwrite the old files - I've changed some filenames so this will cause you to have duplicate files or it can cause issues if the file doesn't overwrite properly.
Core Mods:
I've included some new scripts that allow me to alter in-game stuff to work with my mods. This means they shouldn't conflict with other creators mods and you no longer need to use override files, making some of my mods obsolete. You'll want to delete the following mods/modules completely from your downloads folder:
Files to Delete:
Core Modules where their name ends with: Ingredients / Various / Nectar / Canning / Food
Mods | Fixes: Store your Wedding Bouquets / Store your Seed Jars / Fish & Herbs in Retail Fridge
I've also added some new interactions to the Brazen Homestead Craftbooks and all pots, planters, and garden soil that will add Reference Info to your sim's notebook. This is to help you navigate some of my content and reduce the need to constantly visit my site for details on a specific mod. These entries will be updated as needed.
Lastly, I've moved the inventory transfer interactions, 'Grab' and 'Put Away' to the Core Crafting mod since it makes more sense if you're using a lot of my crafting ingredients. People who only need the Core Mod installed for recipes or another mod will no longer see these interactions on their fridge and storages.
Harvestables have had an overhaul to update them and make them work with a few upcoming mods. You'll need to delete ALL the old files and install the new ones, as I said previously, DO NOT try to overwrite them.
This update may cause some plants to disappear or no longer function, and if that's the case you'll need to replant them. If you're concerned about losing your progress, you can shift-click the new plants to cheat them back to their original condition. I know this is a pain but there were some changes I needed to streamline my workflow (and allow me to make content faster!) so it had to be done.
There is a new, optional file included with the Core Harvestable file called 'OptionalOverrides'. This contains overrides of all the gardening interactions like 'Weed' or 'Water' so that your sim can tend to a plant that is 'Out of Season'. Since my harvestables will grow out of season, it's highly recommended you install this file. I will look at finding a way to do this without an override in the future.
Harvestable descriptions now include a small blurb called 'Garden Lot Traits'. This is only relevant to the new lot challenges coming next week so you can ignore that for now.
I did my best to test as much as I could but with an update this extensive it's possible I missed something. Please let me know on Discord if you run into any bugs!
I realized today that it may be difficult to tell which EA ingredients and harvestable plants have been adjusted so I'll be adding some text or notebook entries over the next couple of weeks in an effort to make it more clear.
The information on the site will need to be updated to match everything in this update - please be patient with me while I work on that over the next week or so
🚨 Please read and follow my Installation & Updates post to install these updated files.
🚨 If your save won't load after installing, see the Save or Lot Won't Load instructions on how to fix it.
🚨 If you are triggering an LE or have some other issue after installing see the Troubleshooting Issues post.
27 mars 2024
Update 3.27
Files have been updated to support new content. There are a few small bug fixes included with this update as well.
I would have had this ready a day sooner but I couldn't for the life of me figure out why sims weren't holding some of the food properly when they were eating it. Turns out it was a bug so it took me a litle longer to figure out how to work around it.
🚨 Please read and follow my Installation & Updates post to install these updated files.
🚨 If your save won't load after installing, see the Save or Lot Won't Load instructions on how to fix it.
🚨 If you are triggering an LE or have some other issue after installing see the Troubleshooting Issues post.
3 mars 2024
Patch Update 1.105.297
After the last game patch, if you don't have all packs installed you may have noticed some my content is missing or not working properly. This update will fix those issues.
I also fixed a few bugs and reworked the woodworking recipes a bit to make more sense. I tidied up a few things like object descriptions and fixed a few small issues with crafting costs here and there, but nothing major has changed.
I've tweaked a couple of things so people who don't own Cottage Living should now be able to use my canned recipes as ingredients, although they won't be craftable or edible. Also, people who don't own the Kids Room pack should now be able to use the comics that come with my Voidcritter Shop set.
🚨 Please read and follow my Installation & Updates post to install these updated files.
🚨 If your save won't load after installing, see the Save or Lot Won't Load instructions on how to fix it.
🚨 If you are triggering an LE or have some other issue after installing see the Troubleshooting Issues post.
File Name Changes
BG_LotTrait_WasteNot > BG_LotChallenge_WasteNot
BG_recipe_LiquidPress_JuiceLemon > BG_recipe_LiquidPress_Juice_Lemon
13 févr. 2024
Update 2.13
Core Modules have all been updated. You can use EA harvestables for the 'Any Root Veggie, Onion, or Garlic' ingredient requirement until I get my custom harvestables updated.
Also, the Core Modules folder has been organized by pack to make it easier to sort through everything.
5 févr. 2024
Hotfix 1.28
I've fixed some issues found with my last update.
🚨 Please read and follow my Installation & Updates post to install these updated files.
🚨 If your save won't load after installing, see the Save or Lot Won't Load instructions on how to fix it.
🚨 If you are triggering an LE or have some other issue after installing see the Troubleshooting Issues post.
28 janv. 2024
Update 1.28
Added new content. Includes several bug fixes.
🚨 Please read and follow my Installation & Updates post to install these updated files.
🚨 If your save won't load after installing, see the Save or Lot Won't Load instructions on how to fix it.
🚨 If you are triggering an LE or have some other issue after installing see the Troubleshooting Issues post.
16 déc. 2023
Update 12.16
This update brings a lot of changes to my files. If you use any of my recipes there's a chance that it might trigger an error because the game is looking for something that has been moved or changed so you may need to update your save. Please follow the instructions below to avoid issues:
🚨 Please read and follow my Installation & Updates post to install these updated files.
🚨 If your save won't load after this update, see the Save or Lot Won't Load instructions on how to fix it.
🚨 If you are triggering an LE or have some other issue see the Troubleshooting Issues post.
New Scripts:
This is my first time creating brand new Python scripts and they've been tested so far without issue, but if you have any problems with them let me know. I don't go out of my way to track or integrate with other creator's mods, but please let me know if you come across any game-breaking conflicts so I can address them.
You can view the other tabs above for specific changelogs but I'll try to give a quick overview of the most important changes below:
Core Mods
Various updates and improvements
New optional script file to enable custom tags
Compatibility added for new custom notebook category, The Brazen Homestead
Cheats added to the Brazen Homestead Craftbooks for new custom notebook
Custom recipes can now be cooked autonomously by sims
Updated crafting and food menus for Home Chef patch
Added compatibility for custom Prepped Ingredients
Select custom ingredients are now replaceable when using Prepped Ingredients
Added new nectar ingredient drinks for recipes
Added transfer inventory by category to fridges and storage chests/boxes
Various fixes to Brazen Delivery
Core modules have been grouped into a single category and can now be found in one folder that comes with text files explaining what each module does.
Rework of all crafting recipes for updates and improvements
Some items come with notebook entries to make it easier to know how to get/craft them
Most ingredients won't spoil until you've taken a serving, they can be used as deco now!
Added option to eat ingredients, where it makes sense
Added new 'Raw Food' type; chance to make sims sick after eating
Ingredients now have values that make sense in various situations
New descriptions that include the type of ingredient it is
Added new functionality; my custom ingredients can reduce the cooking time of recipes (BG)
Added Prepped Ingredients to crafting recipes, where it makes sense
Homemade ingredients now require the 'Core Crafting' mod instead of the 'Core Food & Drink' mod
Cow milk should be working now
Food & Drink Recipes
Various fixes and improvements
No more vegetarian meals tagged as meat
All crafting costs and dish values that make sense and are closer to EA values
Lowered level requirements for some recipes to make them more accessible
Added new functionality; my custom ingredients can reduce the cooking time of recipes (BG)
No more empty bublles on drink trays
Drinks work with lifestyles
New descriptions
Mods | Crafting & Skills
Canning - various fixes and improvements
Fizzy drinks - can now be drunk if using base game and work with lifestyles
Cowplant Farming - milk has updated descriptions, prices, and various improvements
Mods | Crafting & Skills | Cheesemaking
Complete overhaul; now works more like aging nectar
Custom notebook entries added
Pressed cheeses will be available to eat or use as ingredient immediately
Cheese is 'Raw Food' until it's ripened and can make sim sick if eaten
Cheese increases in value as it ripens
Can ripen anywhere
Inventory not shared updated