Bookshelf Edits
No purchasing books from bookshelves
Bookshelves don't come with books
Bookends come with less books
Broken & Needs Update!
Needs Update, Still Functional
This Item has been retired &
Is No Longer Available
Last Update:
24. 8. 8.
There are 2 versions included in this download, ONLY INSTALL ONE:
MOD-EA BG_Bookshelves_NoPurchase
MOD-EA BG_Bookshelves_NoPurchaseNoBooks
This mod makes bookshelves a little more realistic by not allowing sims to purchase books from bookshelves and bookends.
The ‘NoPurchaseNoBooks’ version will also make it so that books do not automatically come with bookshelves, and bookends only come with 1 book .
I did not change the library bookcase so if you use those types of bookcases on a lot they will function like usual.

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Translations were generated using translation software, so there might be some issues with sentence structure or minor errors. If you come across any significant mistakes, please feel free to let me know via Discord.
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