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Creator Policy


Don't claim my content as your own.


Do not include any of my content with your creations or link directly to my download files. Always provide a link back to my original content page so people can download it from my site.

Do not put links to my site through adfly or behind any other paywalls.


You may recolor my content as long as the recolors are dependent on my original content. As mentioned above, provide a link to my original content.

Do not clone my content as a base for your own creations or use any of my custom meshes, textures, or code/tuning as a base for your own creations.

Do not share overrides of my content without my explicit permission - you can contact me via any of my social media channels.



Do not convert my content for other Sims games.

If you have a special project and would like to use my custom meshes, textures, or unaltered code/tuning please send me a message via any of my social media channels to chat about it.


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