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Core Modules


Core Modules

The mod files here change in-game content so it works seamlessly with my recipes, mods, and Brazen Delivery service. These mods are separate and optional because they change in-game resources and may conflict with other mods. You'll find more information on these files below.

Needs Update, Still Functional

Broken & Needs Update!

This Item has been retired &
Is No Longer Available

Last Update:


Only install the files that correspond to the packs you have installed. Please see my Reference page if you're unsure which files you should download. 

Canning Modules:

✅ Allows EA Canned Goods to be used with Brazen Delivery

✅ Adds my custom ingredient tags to EA Canned Goods

Fishing Modules:

✅ Makes it so that you can catch my custom fish while fishing or when using a fishing trap

✅ Worlds where this has been added so far: Brindleton Bay, Sulani, Willow Creek, Windenburg

Food Modules:

✅ Allows EA Food Ingredients to be used with Brazen Delivery

✅ Adds my custom ingredient tags to EA Food Ingredients

Ingredient Modules:

✅ Allows EA Harvestables, Fish, and Livestock ingredients to be used with Brazen Delivery

✅ Adds my custom ingredient tags to EA Harvestables, Fish, and Livestock ingredients

Nectar Modules:

✅ Adds my custom ingredient tags to nectar so they can be used as ingredients

Pumpkin Carving:

✅ Adds new 'Carve by Color' menus to the carving table
✅ Adds my pumpkin ingredient as a requirement for carving recipes


✅ Changes the recipe ingredients and/or recipe steps of EA recipes.


✅ Allows various EA objects to be used with Brazen Delivery

✅ Adds my custom ingredient tags to EA objects

Woodworking Modules: 

✅ Removes original EA Woodworking Menus so only my Custom Woodworking Menus show up

✅ Adds optional ingredients to all Woodworking Recipes

Download is Temporarily Unavailable

Translations Included!

All translations are created using translation software. If you happen to find an inaccurate translation please let me know via Discord.

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An extra special Thanks to the Patrons who contributed to this content!


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